Ashlee Edelblut
Grants and Foundations Manager

A native Washingtonian, Ashlee grew up in the hospitality industry. After graduating from Montgomery College with a degree in Business, she explored careers in catering sales and event planning while also supporting her family’s business. Recognizing the inequities in our food systems, Ashlee realized her calling for mission driven work and smoothly transitioned from sales to development. Ashlee believes strongly in the power of community and is a member of Leadership Montgomery's CORE Class of 2024. Drawn to Generation Hope by her lived experience as a teen mom and student parent, Ashlee is proud to be a voice for this invisible population. She lives in Rockville, MD with her husband and 2 kids. In her downtime, she enjoys cooking and practicing yoga.


“If you’re always trying to be normal you will never know how amazing you can be.” – Maya Angelou

Why I chose this quote:

This quote is a great reminder to be authentically yourself. Let’s embrace our individuality and celebrate each other's differences!